LaunchCat, The Homecoming for Mac installer and Island Rum are released as freeware by Powermad Software. Powermad Software makes no warranty, expressed or implied, for its specific performance.

By downloading and installing either piece of software, the user agrees to hold all listed parties in this license agreement harmless from any financial or other damage that may occur through its use.

Redistribution of LaunchCat, Homecoming for Mac or Island Rum is allowed, but discouraged, in order to keep only the latest versions of all included packages available at all times.

All parties to this installer package:

Powermad Software is a limited liability corporation incorporated in Florida.

City of Heroes is copyright and trademark of NCSOFT.

City of Heroes: Homecoming is part of Homecoming Servers, LLC.

Wine (Wine is Not An Emulator) is a project of the Software Freedom Conservancy, and redistribution is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Macintosh (in the computer context) is trademark and copyright of Apple Computer Corporation.

Windows is trademark and copyright by Microsoft Corporation.

Unity 3D is copyright and trademark by Unity Technologies, and its runtime engine is used in LaunchCat and Island Rum in accordance with applicable license agreements.